Victor Tangermann

Victor Tangermann

Staff Writer
Victor Tangermann is a Toronto-based staff writer and photo editor for He enjoys watching rockets explode and reading about SETI.

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Updated 4.10.18, 5:33 PM EDT on futurism
Can Humans Conceive In Space? NASA Sent Sperm To The ISS To Find Out
4.10.18, 12:58 PM EDT on futurism
If Zuck's Prepared Statements Prove One Thing, It's That Facebook Has Become Far Too Big
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The First Luxury Hotel In Space Shows Affordable Space Tourism Is Still A Long Way Off
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World's First "Space" Democracy Struggling To Launch More Than a Satellite
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Flash Freezing Your Brain To Become Immortal Is Not Only Super Unrealistic, It's Unethical, Too
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New NASA Plan for Mars Is Moderately-Terrifying-Sounding, Also, Completely-Awesome: Robotic. Bees.
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Tesla Model X in Autopilot Killed a Driver. Officials Aren't Pleased With How Tesla Handled It.
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Assassin's Creed's New Discovery Mode Is What Museums Will Look Like In The Future
Updated 3.29.18, 2:06 PM EDT on futurism
A Clever Smartphone Attachment Will Show if Water Is Contaminated