"Sadly I can't sell it because Apple would get pissed."

Appsolute Unit

For the past week, the tech press has been breathlessly obsessing over Apple's AirPods Pro, the latest version of its wireless-earbud-slash-status -symbol.

Here at Futurism, we honestly can't be bothered with a new version of the awful, unserviceable gadget. But we couldn't help but admire this fully functional, hammer-sized Bluetooth AirPod built by handy Redditor Master_Aar17.

Seriously, just look at it:

Ear Hole

Master_Aar17 even posted a video of the colossal earbud playing the Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun," along with schematics of the novelty-sized gadget.

Unfortunately, though, Master_Aar17 said he has no plans to bring the gigantic earpiece to market.

"Sadly I can't sell it because Apple would get pissed," the Redditor wrote, "but yeah several people have asked if it's available for purchase."

READ MORE: I made a large (10" tall) fully functional (bluetooth) AirPod [Reddit]

More on AirPods: This Site Is Selling Decorative AirPods That Don’t Play Sound

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