Total savings: $149.50 — minus your dignity.

Faux Buds

Apple's wireless earbuds haven't just sold like hot cakes — they've also become a style icon.

They're such a hot commodity, Business Insider reports, that online fashion retailer ASOS has started selling silver dummy AirPods that don't actually, you know, play music. Welcome to 2019, I guess.

Ear Hole

It's a bizarre indication of just how popular Apple's earphones have become since they were introduced back in 2016.

Ironically, the buds were first met with derision for looking like q-tips — despite getting generally favorable reviews.

Style Icon

You'll get zero technological functionality out of these dummy AirPods though. All they do is trick passersby into thinking you've got $159 to shell out on a pair — even though Apple doesn't even sell a silver model.

At least they're cheaper than Apple's offering. The "faux headphone ear piece in silver tone" will put you back $9.50 on ASOS — and yep, that's just one faux bud, not two.

READ MORE: A fast-fashion brand selling fake, nonfunctional 'ear pieces' reveals AirPods' transformation into a millennial style symbol [Business Insider]

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