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Leave the ISS Alone
Jul 16, 12:50 PM EDT on futurism
Former Space Agency Leaders Horrified by Plan to Destroy Space Station, Say It Would Be Easier to Save It
Pissed Humans
Jul 15, 3:04 PM EDT on futurism
Company Abandons Plans to Give AI Workers "Rights" and Add Them to Org Chart After Outcry From Human Employees
Sloppy Seconds
Jul 13, 7:30 AM EDT on futurism
Sleazy Company Buys Beloved Blog, Starts Publishing AI-Generated Slop Under the Names of Real Writers Who No Longer Work There
Temper Tantrum
Jul 12, 2:06 PM EDT on futurism
Elon Musk Demands "Criminal Prosecution" of People Who Won't Give Him Money
Interplanetary Of...
Jul 12, 10:31 AM EDT on futurism
Elon Musk Reportedly Offered SpaceX Employees Sperm to Seed Mars Colony
Safety Theater
Jul 11, 6:30 PM EDT on futurism
OpenAI Researcher Says He Quit When He Realized the Upsetting Truth
In Stiches
Jul 11, 1:03 PM EDT on futurism
NASA Says If Necessary, SpaceX Could Come Rescue the Astronauts Stranded by Boeing
Pleading the Fifth
Jul 11, 11:27 AM EDT on futurism
Washington Post Launches AI to Answer Climate Questions, But It Won't Say Whether AI Is Bad for the Climate
Nothing to See Here
Jul 10, 3:08 PM EDT on futurism
Stranded Astronauts "Absolutely Confident" in Boeing's Leaky Starliner
I'm a Real Boy
Jul 10, 12:09 PM EDT on futurism
Political Candidate Accused of Being AI Insists He Is a Living Human With a Very Smooth, AI-Looking Face
Royal Treatment
Jul 9, 6:14 PM EDT on futurism
Elon Musk Forcing Tesla to Train Self-Driving Cars On His Own Driving
Press Generate
Jul 9, 3:15 PM EDT on futurism
Leak Reveals the New York Times Experimented With Using AI to Write Headlines