On June 6, IBM launched Science for Social Good, a new program designed to take on some of the world's weightiest problems using technology and data. The team of researchers, nonprofits, and postdoctoral fellows will be working on 12 projects for the remainder of 2017 alone, each aligning with at least one of the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. These goals describe the most significant threats and inequalities that exist in the world today and sets them forth as problems to be solved by 2030.
All the Science for Social Good projects make use of analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and data science to meet their goals. Specific projects for 2017 include Emergency Food Best Practice, which will improve food distribution practices during times of crisis, and the Overcoming Illiteracy project, which will help illiterate and low-literate adults more easily “decode” our information-rich society using AI. IBM's Watson will also be working on a project — Combatting the Opioid Crisis.