Pause, and take a moment to survey the room around you. It's likely you see a number of different colors, ranging from primaries to secondaries, and everything in between. Each color corresponds to a certain wavelength of light in the electromagnetic spectrum. Our eyes are only privy to a very limited range of these wavelengths, which we call 'the visible spectrum.'

This essentially means that, just outside of eyeshot is a whole world we can't see or experience. There is light at longer and shorter wavelengths, like in infrared (the wavelength the Sun emits most of its energy in), x-ray, and ultraviolet. On Earth, what we can see serves us well, but in space, a lot of the universe is hidden from sight without special tools.

The Milky Way at Multiple Wavelengths (Image Credit: NASA)

At its heart, that's what Chromoscope is; an interactive feature that allows us to view cosmological objects at wavelengths that are far beyond our capacity to see. It does this using images taken by a number of different surveys: Gamma ray (Fermi), X-ray (ROSAT), H-alpha (WHAM), optical (DSS), infrared (IRAS)microwave (Planck) and radio (Haslam).

WATCH: "Quick Tour of Chromoscope"

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