Frank Landymore

Frank Landymore

Staff Writer
Frank Landymore is a writer for Futurism.

Latest Stories

Guns Out
5.30.24, 10:23 AM EDT on the byte
The Sun Just Unleashed Yet Another Fierce Solar Flare, and It's Only Getting Started
Far Cry
5.29.24, 5:45 PM EDT on the byte
Chinese Tesla Competitor Claims Its New Hybrid Car Has an Absurdly Long Range
Slice of the Pie
5.29.24, 12:49 PM EDT on the byte
Elon Musk Begs Tesla Shareholders to Vote for His $56 Billion Pay Package
Hell Off Earth
5.29.24, 9:41 AM EDT on the byte
Astronomers Spot Epic Flows of Lava Oozing Out of Venus
Tis But a Leak
5.28.24, 5:27 PM EDT on the byte
Boeing Says Leak on Its Spacecraft Is Totally Fine, Will Launch Astronauts Without Fixing It
Out the Wazoo
5.28.24, 11:26 AM EDT on the byte
Elon Musk’s AI Company Announces Ungodly Sum of Money to Beat OpenAI
Facing the Music
5.25.24, 9:00 AM EDT on the byte
Spotify Says the Hardware Player It Sold You Two Years Ago Will Stop Working and the Only Thing You Can Do Is Throw It in the Trash
5.24.24, 5:31 PM EDT on the byte
The Onion's Take on OpenAI's Scarlett Johansson Disaster Is Pretty Much Perfect
Off the Rails
5.24.24, 2:00 PM EDT on the byte
Tesla Driver Blames Full Self-Driving for Almost Plowing Into Moving Train
In Deep Dish
5.24.24, 9:03 AM EDT on the byte
The Reason That Google's AI Suggests Using Glue on Pizza Shows a Deep Flaw With Tech Companies' AI Obsession
5.23.24, 3:55 PM EDT on the byte
Video Shows OpenAI Engineer Admitting It's "Deeply Unfair" to "Build AI and Take Everyone's Job Away"
Star-Boiled Detec...
5.23.24, 1:03 PM EDT on the byte
Scientists Attempt to Explain Why Hundreds of Stars Disappeared From Night Sky