When you know physics, you can do some pretty amazing things. Here, we see a levitating superconductor on a Möbius strip. How it works is, well, rather cold.

This kind of levitation is due to something that is known as the Meissner effect, which explains how materials act when in superconducting states (a state that necessitates very low temperatures). Ultimately, this effect clarifies why materials become strongly diamagnetic.

To break this down a bit: As they orbit, electrons create tiny atomic current loops. These produce magnetic fields, and  when an external magnetic field is applied, these current loops align. Ultimately, they align in a way that opposes the applied field, which creates levitation (or "locking").

In order to create this effect, certian materials can be turned into superconductors by exposure to liquid nitrogen. To see this in action, and get a more thorough explanation, take a look at the video below.

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