Adult video content is probably more popular now than at any other point in history. But if you’ve grown tired of the infinite stream, it’s probably because you’re unaware of the next stage of adult content online: virtual reality sex. And the new frontier of VR sex is now affordable and easy to explore thanks to the Titan VR Experience by KIIROO.

The Titan VR Experience is KIIROO’s all-in-one bundle that gives you all you need to enjoy interactive virtual reality sex and video content online. First and foremost, it includes the Titan, KIIROO’s first and best interactive vibrating stroker. The Titan will give anyone who enjoys intense vibrations unparalleled sensation and excellent sensitivity by way of touch-sensitive control pads and nine vibrating bullet-shaped motors inside its real-feel sleeve. But the Titan’s true killer app comes in its connectivity -- you can use it to enjoy programmed vibrations synchronized with thousands of videos already online, both of the virtual reality and traditional 2-D varieties. And if you have a partner with their own Titan, you can sync them together and almost feel like you’re as close as you can be even if they’re thousands of miles away.

The Titan VR Sex Experience


The second most important piece of the Titan VR Experience is the virtual reality headset which turns pretty much any standard size smartphone into a window into thousands of hours of virtual reality adult content online. When used in conjunction with the Titan stroker, you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of the action onscreen in a way that will make the old ways of enjoying adult videos seem like something out of some ancient historical period -- which, in a way, it is.

If you have any interest at all in virtual reality sex, the Titan VR Experience is the best way to get started, since it includes the Titan interactive vibrating stroker, the virtual reality headset, bottle of KIIROO Aqua Premium Water-Based Intimate Lubricant, and a bottle of KIIROO Pure Premium Toy Cleaner, all for just $199. It's shipped freely (and discreetly, of course, if you’re worried about your neighbors coming over to try your new stuff) to your door.

You wouldn’t have any reason to know it without the proper equipment, but there are actually thousands of adult videos out there with synchronized vibrations programmed in, some in 3D and some in 2D. And they’re all yours to explore with the Titan VR Experience, with more being produced and released all the time. It’s basically a whole other dimension of adult content online, and the Titan VR Experience is your portal to get in.

If you’re ready to take that plunge, just head over to the KIIROO online store and order the Titan VR Experience now.

Futurism fans: To create this content, a non-editorial team worked with an affiliate partner. We may collect a small commission on items purchased through this page. This post does not necessarily reflect the views or the endorsement of the editorial staff.

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