Image credit: TerjeN via Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY 3.0)

Any of you who were born sometime in the late 80's or early 90's should recognize this feature. Any guesses on what this image is?

If you said "The Lion King," you are right. This looks like Pride Rock, doesn't it?

Don't believe me? See for yourself:

Image credit (left to right): unknown, © Disney

This surface feature, known as Trolltunga (Norwegian for "Troll's Tongue"), is a part of the mountain Skjeggedal in Odda, Norway. Assuming you have the brazen balls of steel (and the empty gut) required to walk straight out to the edge of the rock, you would be able to overlook the entire valley, as Trolltunga lies some 1,200 meters (3,900 feet) above sea level. You would also get a spectacular view of the crystal clear waters of lake Ringedalsvatnet.

One lesson to take here, is that names can be misleading. Based on the name alone, one wouldn't imagine this area to be one of the most breathtakingly beautiful spots on the planet.

VisitNorway has many beautiful images of Trolltunga here. You can find a larger version of the image featured above here. It's perfect for desktop backgrounds!

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