Image by jeii_pong/stevendivish/hai_phong_nguyen/Instagram/Victor Tangermann

Nothing — no piece of matter, no moment in contemporary history, no point on the space/time continuum — has been or will be immune to it. This is simply the way the world is now: with a fixed point of inevitability.

And this was nothing if not inevitable:

The inevitable finally happened.

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f**k the corona virus

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КОРОНАВИРУС В ЯПОНИИ Я думаю, уже все знают и о китайском вирусе, и про город Ухань, который является эпицентром инфекции, и ещё многое другое от наших СМИ. Я не понимаю, почему многие думают, что я нахожусь в Китае, ведь я в Японии, в Осаке! Здесь заражённых практически нет, пару человек в Токио, как и по всему миру. Поэтому со мной всё хорошо, я ношу маску, мою руки. А про ситуацию в целом хочу сказать, что всё очень сильно преувеличено. Ни в каких посылках из Китая, ни в каких бананах вируса нет. И не может быть. Число жертв коронавируса везде разное, поэтому верьте только проверенным источникам(минздравы и их оф. медийные ресурсы + ВОЗ), а не сторисам из инстаграма. Peace and love ❤️ ✌🏼 #коронавирус #коронавирускитай #вирус #вирусвкитае #ухань #коронавирус2020 #coronavirus #coronavirusoutbreak #coronavirus2020 #theparisguru #chinavirus

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So sad. #coronavirus 😢😢 There are 81 death so far and it is estimated 100k people are already infected. China has isolated the city with most case identified but number of them are believed to have already left the city with the virus. Spreading awareness in our communities to fight this outbreak is very important. I want to bring this important information to you as we think alot of people are still unaware abt this issue and it's spreading very quickly everywhere around the world. Here are few things that u should do to protect yourself : 1. Wear Mask ( Use the right one ( I use Cambridge Mask N99 pro from UK and KF94 ( made in Korea). 2. Wash your hands often with soap for at least 30s. I bring handwash gel when i go out too. 3. Avoid touching ur mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hand. 4. Avoid contact with sick people. 5. Against the wildlife animal eating culture. 6. Drink plenty of water ( liquid) and vitamin. To protect other : 1. Stay home while u r sick 2. Avoid close contact with other 3. Cover your mouth n nose with tissue when u cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue away in the trash and wash your hand. 4. Clean and disinfect objects and surface. Those day I just stay home with my baby @clio.lapug eventho it Lunar new year here. 😢😢😢 #prayfortheworld. . . . . . . . . #outbreak #godsaveus #jadapositive # breaking news #pray #mask #cambridgemask #n99 #protectyourself

A post shared by Jada Hai Phong Nguyen 🦋 (@hai_phong_nguyen) on

The coronavirus has caught influencers. There's something oddly comforting in the knowledge that the most immediate threat to global health shares the same, singular immunodeficiency as everything else in the universe — short perhaps of nuclear holocaust — and its conclusion:

The ability to be posed alongside. With all apologies to T.S. Eliot: Not with a bang, but with a fave. Smash that mf button, king.

In related news, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a public health emergency this week, it's spread to every populous continent (with a rapidly climbing death toll), and the government of China — where, it's worth pointing out, it originated — is arresting people for writing about it in ways they see unfit online.

ALSO SEE: Here Come the Coronavirus Influencers [Daily Dot]

OH YOU'LL WANT TO READ THIS, TOO: How Not to Be an Influencer During a Coronavirus Outbreak [Slate]

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