Milky Way Over Mount Rainier   (Image Credit: Brad Goldpaint)

Mount Rainier—the highest mountain within the Cascade Mountain Range, and in the state of Washington (USA) as a whole—is no stranger to astrophotographers. Because light pollution is scarce around the mountain and its base, the bands of the Milky Way come into focus, proving especially beautiful using a long exposure technique.

This image, taken by Brad Goldpaint, almost certainly involved long-exposure astrophotography, given the meteor streaking through the sky on the far left. The white dots standing against the snow-capped mountains (beneath the streak of light) are from climbers attempting to summit Mount Rainier, which stands 4,392 meters (2.7 miles) high.

His image, along with about a dozen other ones (like this), made the shortlist for astronomy photographer of the year. (See a larger image here)

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