Derek Muller from Veritasium put together an entertaining video addressing 13 of the most common misconceptions used to argue against global warming. From "global warming isn't really happening" to "scientists use to think the earth was cooling" to "it's not human-made."

Some Further Reading

For CO2, sea levels, Arctic sea ice, Antarctic and Greenland land ice:

Satellite data shows that ground-based stations underestimate recent warming: Cowtan and Way, 2014

For papers published on climate change during the 1970's, see Peterson, 2008

For solar and temperature data see NASA GISS,


Krivova et al. 2007:

CO2 ratio of Carbon-13:Carbon-12 decreasing. IPCC AR4:

CO2 emitted by volcanoes vs by humans: Gerlach, 2011

Mauna Loa CO2 data:

Rising atmospheric water vapour: Santer, 2007

A doubling of CO2 will likely lead to a 3C increase in global temperatures according to many independent pieces of evidence: Knutti & Hegerl, 2008

Great resource on Milankovitch cycles:

CO2 lags temperature rise in the southern hemisphere but leads the global average temperature rise, Shakun et al. 2012


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