It has a clever name: Goat 2 Meeting.

Llama Party

A Silicon Valley-based nonprofit animal sanctuary called Sweet Farm is renting out farm animals, including llamas and goats, to spice up boring Zoom meetings.

For less than $100, you can hire a llama to make a cameo appearance during your next session with corporate. The money is meant to help deal with lost revenue the farm is experiencing due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Goat 2 Meeting

The name of the venture is Goat 2 Meeting, a clever reference to ubiquitous business meeting software GoToMeeting.

"Need a fresh face to brighten up your video conference meetings?" reads the official website. "Want a fun experience for an online Happy Hour? Looking for a virtual tour? The Sweet Farm Animal Ambassadors are here for you."

Sweet Relief

Co-founder Anna Sweet told Business Insider that the farm had received more than 300 requests since launching the project in mid-March. In one instance, lawyers even brought their kids on the calls to get a virtual tour of the farm.

"I think we're all a little stressed with what's going on — many of us have been sitting inside," Sweet told Business Insider. "We're just hoping to bring some smiles to people's faces while bringing them out to the farm at the same time."

READ MORE: Invite a llama or goat to your next corporate Zoom meeting or video call for under $100 [Business Insider]

More on the pandemic: Zoo Says Coronavirus May Force It to Feed Animals to Each Other

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