"He brought so much life and energy to the entire Blue Origin team and to his fellow crewmates."

Rest in Peace

Glen de Vries, an entrepreneur who recently launched to space alongside actor William Shatner on board a Blue Origin New Shepard spacecraft, tragically passed away in a plane crash on Thursday. He was 49.

"We are devastated to hear of the sudden passing of Glen de Vries," a statement by Blue Origin posted to Twitter reads. "He brought so much life and energy to the entire Blue Origin team and to his fellow crewmates."

Plane Crash

De Vries was a private pilot and a trained molecular biologist. He also founded Mediata Solutions, which is the most-used clinical research platform in the world, according to CBS News.

Almost exactly a month ago, the entrepreneur spent just over ten minutes launching into the upper atmosphere alongside "Star Trek" actor William Shatner, Blue Origin executive Audrey Powers, and entrepreneur Chris Boshuizen.

According to a Federal Aviation Administration filing, the plane "crashed under unknown circumstances in a heavily-wooded area" in New Jersey, killing de Vries and one fellow passenger.

It's a tragic fate for somebody who just recently had the chance to view the Earth from over 66 miles.

"I am actually looking forward to seeing the Earth from a different perspective than I ever had before," de Vries told CBS prior to launching last month. "I just can't wait to stare out that window and feel differently about humanity and our planet than I've ever had the opportunity to before."

READ MORE: Pilot Killed In NJ Plane Crash Went To Space With William Shatner [Patch]

More on the Blue Origin launch: William Shatner Takes Blue Origin Joyride, as Scandals Plague Company

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