Your iPhone can already read your fingerprint-- which is a pretty convenient alternative to typing in a passcode. Now, the new MacBook Pro is following suit.

The new iteration is rumored to have a fingerprint-reading Touch ID power button similar to the ones being used in the latest iPhones and iPads. It is not yet clear what the updated MacBook will look like, but Martin Hajek has created some concept art that has Apple lovers excited.

Concept image: Martin Hajek

Adding Touch ID tech is reasonable because it takes advantage of the macOS Sierra's Apple Pay support when shopping online.

Aside from the rumored fingerprint scanner, the updated MacBook Pro is also believed to have an Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) touch strip. Codes pertaining to these two specs are present in the macOS Sierra-- further fueling the rumors.

Unfortunately, it seems that Apple fanatics will have to wait until the fall to see whether these rumors of a major upgrade to the MacBook Pro are true.

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