Soon, women will be able to track their reproductive health using tampons—ones that are a lot different from anything you've seen before. Introducing: smart tampons.

This new addition to wearable technology will allow women to keep tabs on the plethora of possibly dangerous health conditions they might not know they're living with. These include the HPV virus, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and many other diseases that, when undetected, can affect everything from fertility to overall well-being.

These concerns inspired Ridhi Tariyal and Stephen Gire, an entrepreneur and a scientist respectively, to launch a startup called NextGen Jane to begin work developing the device.

With the smart tampon, blood from a woman’s menstruation will be tested for a range of possible reproductive health issues. As the technology evolves, it could even test blood for a range of bio-indicators and send the information to a database where women can track their reproductive health over time.

NextGen Jane

Tariyal and Gire aren't revealing too much about the smart tampon, as they are still currently conducting clinical trials before they can bring the product to the market.

"We have to get to a place where we have working, high-quality tests for enough conditions that it actually makes it worthwhile for women to test themselves every month," says Tariyal, the company's CEO.

"Our vision is to manage reproductive health from menarche to menopause. We're thinking about all the ways that women could find data about their bodies useful."

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