• SpaceX tried to land a Falcon 9 on the drone ship in January, but the rocket hit at an angle and exploded. SpaceX has said it will keep trying and, after it masters landing at sea, hopes to someday land rockets on the ground.
  • Usually booster rockets burn up in Earth's atmosphere or, like NASA's space shuttle boosters, they fall back into the ocean. So why try to land one? Musk wants to cut costs. On his company's website, he says that if anyone can figure out how to "reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of access to space will be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred."
  • The Dragon will dock with the space station a couple of days after launch to deliver more than 4,300 pounds (1,950 kilograms) of supplies, including research equipment and ISSpresso, an espresso maker that astronauts can use to make coffee and tea.

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