Image by 20th Century Studios

For many people, the coronavirus pandemic didn't quite hit home until beloved actor Tom Hanks tested positive.

Now, the Academy Awards-winning Hanks is back with some good news for a tired world: He and wife Rita Wilson, another accomplished actor who also caught the bug, are both on the mend.

"Two weeks after our first symptoms and we feel better," Hanks tweeted on Sunday.

That's heartening news for the Hanks/Wilson household, but it's also a reminder that the vast majority of people who catch the coronavirus make it through and feel much better after a few weeks.

Hanks — "Cast Away" and "Forrest Gump" actor, published author, NPR quiz show guest-host — also used his platform to sing the praises of sheltering in place, which means avoiding unnecessary contact with others in a bid to avoid spreading the coronavirus.

It's inevitable that COVID-19 will continue to spread at some rate, at least for a while, but the more the public can work together to slow it down, the less strain it will put on the health care system.

"Going to take awhile, but if we take care of each other, help where we can, and give up some comforts... this, too, shall pass," Hanks wrote. "We can figure this out."