Whether you're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a public school teacher, diversification the key to building a solid long term investment portfolio. That said, for a long time there were two different sets of rules governing what sorts of assets you could invest in: the set of rules that regular people had to play by, and the set of rules that the ultra rich had to play by. But now things are starting to change. Today, cutting edge online real estate investing platforms like DiversyFund are helping regular everyday people diversify with alternative assets that were previously only available to billionaires. And it is changing the way people plan their financial future.

Unlocking New Possibilities

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Traditionally, financial advisors built investment portfolios for regular everyday people with a 70-30 ratio of stocks to bonds. Why? Because regular everyday investors were only allowed to invest in stocks and bonds, and a 70-30 mix was the best financial advisors could do with those limitations in place.

Things were different for Institutional investors and high-net worth individuals. For over three decades they have been diversifying their investments by allocating up to 30 percent to alternative assets like private market real estate. Why? Because private market real estate exhibits less volatility than the stock market. And because it offers consistently higher returns. And because they could.

Why were there two different sets of rules? In the past it was difficult or impossible to break huge real estate investments up into smaller pieces that regular investors could actually afford. Since SEC regulations were based on these limitations, only the rich had access to the most lucrative investment opportunities. However, today those old limitations no longer exist. Thanks to new financial technologies like crowdfunding and artificial intelligence analytics, now we can break up billion dollar investments into smaller pieces. And the SEC has updated their rules accordingly.

That brings us to DiversyFund.

DiversyFund: 21st Century Real Estate Investing Made Simple

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DiversyFund was specifically created to democratize the investing landscape and give regular people the same financial opportunities as one percenters. To accomplish these goals, the company’s founders created a simple online investing platform that lets anybody invest in a portfolio of diversified real estate assets.

Officially called Real Estate Investing Trusts, or REITs, DiversyFund’s real estate portfolios are managed by experts who follow a simple three-step strategy to make you money. First, DiversyFund acquires multifamily apartment buildings that already generate revenue, but are in need of some improvements. Second, DiversyFund renovates the buildings so that they generate increased revenues until market conditions are right for profitable liquidation. Third, when market conditions are right, DiversyFund sells its real estate assets, returns principles, and distributes the returns to investors.

Thanks to this tried-and-true strategy, DiversyFund has a historical return rate of 17.5%. And because DiversyFund actually owns and operates the properties you invest in, which cuts out all the middlemen, there are no fees.

That all sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Invest Like A Billionaire

Image via DiversyFund

Despite the fact that the SEC has loosened a number of regulations in recent years, a lot of online real estate investing platforms still have net worth or credit requirements that makes their services inaccessible to most people. But that’s not the case with DiversyFund.

At DiversyFund they are serious about democratizing the investing landscape and closing the wealth gap. That’s why their platform is open to anybody. If you can afford the minimum $500 investment, you are eligible to invest in private market real estate. Period. No accreditation. No credit checks.

When it comes to planning your financial future, don't be content to play by the old rules. DiversyFund offers diversification opportunities previously only available to billionaires. So click here and see what DiversyFund can do for you.

Futurism fans: To create this content, a non-editorial team worked with an affiliate partner. We may collect a small commission on items purchased through this page. This post does not necessarily reflect the views or the endorsement of the Futurism.com editorial staff.

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