• Matheryn Naovaratpong was two years and two months old when she didn't wake up on the morning of April 19th, 2014. She was rushed to a hospital in Bangkok, where doctors discovered an 11 centimeter-long tumor in the left half of her brain. The prognosis is exceedingly grim; at its highest, the five-year survival rate is 30 percent.
  • But in November 2014, the cancer spread across Matheryn’s brain, and finally paralyzed her face and muscles. Her body was cryogenically frozen by Alcor, one of  ​the largest organizations that practices cryonics, the act of preserving humans and mammals in a freezing “biostasis” for later resuscitation. 
  • It involves moving the patient onto an ice bed, coating her in freezing materials, artificially restarting the heart with a “heart-lung-resuscitator,”  draining the blood and replacing it with medical grade antifreeze, opening the chest cavity to attach the major blood vessels to a machine that flushes out all remaining blood, then slowly lowering the body’s temperature.

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