• With tDCS, scientists don’t target these brain waves, which represent neuronal patterns of communication throughout regions of the brain. Instead, they use tDCS to target brain structures, such particular regions of the cortex.
  • In the study, they recruited 40 healthy adults that took the standard WAIS-IV intelligence test. Half of them received real stimulation and the other half fake. Surprisingly the participants who did not receive tDCS saw their IQ scores increase by ten points, whereas participants who received tDCS saw their IQ scores increase by just shy of six points on average.
  • Frohlich said that using less common alternating current stimulation – so-called tACS – could be a better approach, one that he has been investigating. Earlier this year, Frohlich’s lab found that tACS significantly boosted creativity, likely because he used it to target the brain’s natural electrical alpha oscillations, which have been implicated in creative thought.

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