Running on 100% clean energy is all the rage right now, with major cities pledging to completely phase out fossil fuels in their energy mix. This movement has gotten so big that a whole country, Costa Rica, ran completely on renewables for almost 300 days.

Now, the city of Los Angeles is taking a step towards that fossil fuel-free future. The LA City Council has voted to adopt a measure which will have its power utility companies studying the best path towards the 100% clean energy goal. This is a big step for the city. In the past, LA had significant air pollution problems. Time named it the U.S. city with the most ozone pollution in 2015.

The new measure, authored by Councilmen Mike Bonin and Paul Krekorian, instructs the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to partner with local universities, power agencies, energy experts and other stakeholders, to study which investments and priorities have to be made in order to achieve a 100% clean energy portfolio.

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power 2015 Briefing Book

The legislation is aimed at finding the right upgrades to LA's 100-year old power utilities, stating that "...the city has an opportunity to re-create its utility in a way that recognizes the potential for a fossil-free future, and protects ratepayers from the increasing costs of carbon-based fuels.”

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